Today, we've had them for one week. We have seen some improvement in their behavior, thankfully. Yesterday, however, was a nightmare. I've been trying to get the paperwork to enroll Uno in school ever since I got him. The case manager assumed his previous foster mom had unenrolled him from the other school but she said she had not done so and had no paperwork on him with her.
A few people working on the case promised me the paperwork, so I waited. The girls' behavior would be much different without their brother around, I am sure, which is why I wanted him enrolled in school asap. A few days later I contacted the previous foster mom who said she had forgotten about it but would unenroll him on Monday. I contacted her Monday to remind her "to unenroll Uno from school". Then I find out he was already unenrolled last Tuesday and all she used to enroll him was his placement papers!! That would have been nice to know a week ago!
I had already tried to contact someone to go with me to enroll him to help manage the girls, but by this time it was 3:07pm, so I called the school to see how late the secretary will be there. They said maybe until 3:45pm. I really wanted this done and I didn't figure anyone could come and help me on such short notice, so the kids and I jumped in the van and headed to the school. Big mistake.
When we went into the school I told the kids to sit on a bench a few feet away from me while I talked with the receptionist. That lasted about 2 minutes. After that they were running around, hitting each other, trying to push open the door of the school, etc. Oh my goodness. Here I am trying to talk to this lady and the kids are going wild! Then, they thew a fit because they were convinced they were going to get to see their teachers. (Dos thought she was going to school, too. I told her I had to check on a HeadStart program.) I thoroughly explained all of this before we even went into the school.
I was so mad at them I sent them all to their rooms when they got home. I knew better than to go out in public with these 3 alone! I did at least get the stack of paperwork to register him.
The crazy thing is that after all of this their court day is tomorrow and they could go to another home or something and not even go to this school!
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