Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Move Your Body, Improve Your Memory!

Most younger children probably get plenty of exercise just through natural play, but increasing screen time these days can put them at risk of excessive screen time and much less time moving their bodies.

What does this do to their brain? While some games are designed to improve brain function the lack of exercise can be detrimental, not only to children but adults also.

It's been proven that even a little exercise goes a long way. According to a new study, exercising for as little as 20 minutes can boost your long-term memory by around 10 percent. Exercise releases the stress hormone, norepinephrine. 

Movement is imperative for kinesthetic learners, but is helpful to everyone's brain function because it leads to improved blood circulation which leads to sharper thinking. According to another study about exercise and learning new skills, "It may be that physical, aerobic exercise performed right after a memory has been formed intensifies the imprinting, Dr. Roig says. It makes the memory stronger."

With so many positives to your mind and body it certainly seems worth it to put forth an effort to get moving at least a few times a week! Most likely when you start exercising not only will it give you a sharper mind and more energy to parent, but your child will eventually be eager to join you in the fun!

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