Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our First Two Kids (Respite Care)

It couldn't have been a busier time in our lives to have two little ones stay with us for five days! We took the five and nine year old. A HUGE blessing happened when Josh got to be home yesterday and today! Boy9 and Girl5 were all smiles when we went to pick them up last night around 8pm. I thought they might be scared or at least shy, but they weren't. They and their younger siblings have been with this foster mom for less than two weeks.

The foster mom had all of their clothes ironed and Girl5 was already bathed and in her pajamas. When we actually saw E., the foster mom, we realized we had gone to training with her! She was glad to know the kids were going to be with someone she knew. 

The ride to our house, about 30 minutes, was full of laughter. Josh and I couldn't help but laugh at all of their chatter in the back seat. Boy9 wants to be an "F.B.I" (agent) when he grows up and Girl5 a "Cheerleader Teacher".

Going to bed was the last thing on their minds when we arrived at our house. We decided we would let them check out the toys and get settled in their rooms for a little bit first. They loved their rooms and were so excited. Boy9 hadn't done his homework yet and, apparently, he discovered he left it at school. 

This is where Girl5 slept. (on the crib mattress)

Josh got Boy9 settled into his room and then into the shower. It was so cute to hear him singing loudly in there! He went to bed after Josh prayed with him.

Girl5 kept asking if I would sleep in her room with her or if her brother could sleep in there, but she was smiling when she said it and didn't seem to be genuinely scared. She had a night light, the hall light, and we left her door open. I prayed with her and as I was praying for her younger siblings she said, "...that they won't die..."

A few minutes later we were in bed and didn't hear a peep out of either one. Thank God for a good night's sleep!

When I went in to wake them they were both sleeping soundly. Boy9 got dressed in a flash and was playing with a top and a rubik's cube. He did wet the bed, but that is usual for him. Girl5 had to be picked up out of bed and carried to the car. lol I actually brushed her hair while she lay in bed! She did not want to go to school. 

Speaking of hair...oh boy. Okay, I know nothing about fixing little girls' hair. I mean, you see my own hair...enough said. This Girl5, though, has gorgeous black, curly hair and I feel so bad because I didn't do justice to it by throwing it in a pony tail. I'll try again and maybe by Sunday I'll have something decent figured out.

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